
Nourishing Minds and Fostering Inclusion at Archwood School

June 17, 2024

In Winnipeg, MB, President's Choice Children's Charity's Power Full KidsTM | Eat Well program is an essential building block in Archwood School’s holistic approach to feeding their students. From breakfast to snacks to lunches, this program ensures that students receive nutritious meals throughout the day.

At Archwood, it’s not just about fueling learning; it's about creating a sense of belonging and inclusion. "We use a mobile cart to serve breakfast to classrooms four days a week. We have a fruit bowl in each class that teachers or EAs are responsible to refill. If students arrive late, they can visit the kitchen between breakfast and lunch for a snack,” says Karen Lambert, the school’s Community Liaison. “Every day we have the pleasure of ensuring our students have a good start to their day without worrying about what they are going to eat. The support we receive from President’s Choice Children’s Charity enables us to provide a healthy, consistent source of nourishment.”


The support we receive from President’s Choice Children’s Charity enables us to provide a healthy, consistent source of nourishment.

With a student population of 192, the program serves as a vital lifeline for many. Students rely on breakfast so they can start their day with a full tummy and the lunch program offers a diverse menu catering to various tastes and dietary needs. "Our students have tried foods they've never seen before. The older students are learning the impact of kindness and tenderness as they interact with younger students that might speak another language or need a little more attention,” says Lambert.

The impact of the program extends beyond physical nourishment. Through involvement in food preparation and service, students develop essential life skills and a sense of belonging. As Lambert observes, "Shy or ESL students are so brave. Students and staff assist them, but they make the individual choices too." This promotes confidence and resilience among students, laying the foundation for success both inside and outside the classroom.

Archwood's approach to food insecurity is inclusive and compassionate. Staff work closely with families and support services to ensure no child goes hungry. Beyond providing meals, the school organizes events like Nutrition BINGO and parent coffee clubs, building a strong sense of community.

Teachers note a positive correlation between access to meals and student focus, behaviour, and mental health. As one teacher shares, "The lunch program at our school is incredibly valuable. It relieves stress for students and allows them to eat a healthy meal instead of a bag of chips or nothing at all."

The program continues to evolve, adapting to the needs of its community. Innovative family cooking sessions and encouraging cultural exchange and familial involvement enrich the impact. Looking ahead, the school remains committed to enhancing its offerings, ensuring every student feels valued and supported.

In the words of a Grade 8 student, "It makes me feel good that there’s food here all the time. If I’m not feeling good, I can come here, and a teacher will give me something to eat."

This sentiment encapsulates the essence of Archwood—a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education, where nourishing bodies is as crucial as nurturing minds. Every meal served is a reminder of the school's dedication to fostering a community where every child feels seen, heard, and nourished.

To learn more about the Power Full KidsTM | Eat Well program, visit