Our impact

Helping kids go far since 1989

Girl sitting on a bench holding a plant

Hunger stands in the way.

Hunger can make it difficult for a child to concentrate, negatively affects their attendance, and worsens learning outcomes.

Our Long Term Impact
  • 27%

    higher levels of anxiety are experienced by hungry children.*

  • 44.2%

    of students eat more fruits and vegetables when schools have gardens.*

  • 50

    Hours of nutrition education are needed to affect behavior change.*

*Based on program evaluations and participant feedback.

Our goal to feed 1 million kids every year.

President’s Choice Children’s Charity aims to reach one million kids annually with good food by 2025. Children who participate in Power Full Kids | Eat Well, our in-school program, have access to meals and snacks four days per week from September to June.

2024 at-a-glance

  • 997,000Children and youth fed during Power Full Kids programs

  • 2,186Power Full Kids program locations across Canada

  • 143,661,600Meals and snacks contributed to